What excites you the most when you are about to record a videos? Are you feeling high excitement like before an exam? Do you feel an adrenaline rush at the thought of people viewing your videos in the future? Or, do you feel relaxed and calm in a comfortable mood?

There is no one answer to this question since everyone enjoys different things about video recording. Some people may enjoy the adrenaline rush of doing a LIVE, others may enjoy the challenge of pulling off a great video marketing campaign, and others may simply put it off and feel like they don’t enjoy the process at all.

Personally, I love connecting in to who I want to inspire before recording a video. It’s like I’m a channel and everything is flowing through me.

I also love getting in a state of flow and connection… It gives me a sense of surrender and trust in my own internal guidance and makes me feel excited about what I’m doing….and what I’m about to record.

But it isn’t all roses and cherry blossoms, sometimes I don’t feel relaxed and calm when I’m about to record a video. This might be because I am time-poor and in a rush. When it’s like this, I need to take a few deep breaths and ground myself.

Remind myself of my purpose and connect back to the viewer who I want to impact in a positive way.

mindfulness printed paper near window

Have you heard of BOX BREATHING? It’s a process of slowing your breathing down, and focusing on your abdomen to help center yourself.

BOX BREATHING can help you when you feel like you’re energy is in fight or flight, or when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

You can try it out by sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes closed and taking a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Hold the breath for as long as you like, then release it slowly. Repeat by counting in for 5, hold for 5, out for 5.

Counting helps you focus and calm down before recording a video.

sitting woman in white robe looking at mountains during daytime

Another cool technique is pausing and identifying:

1) the first thing you can see,

2) the first thing you hear and

3) the first thing you feel.

This helps you to ground yourself and stay in the moment.

But don’t just use it to connect BEFORE recording a video…..Pausing can also help you to focus on what you’re saying. It can help your viewer take a few seconds to process an important point.

Be aware of your posture and how you’re speaking too. Speak from your chest, keep your voice level and avoid sounding rushed.

By practicing these techniques, you’ll be able to get confident on video no matter what!




Lot’s of love,


Katie xoxo


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