Preparing to Launch a New Offer?

Welcome to the Powerful Mothers’ Podcast & blog! If you want freedom, fun and financial independence online, then you’re in the right place. I’m Katie Joy and I’ll share with you how mothers are leveraging the digital revolution to make money online and keep the flexible lifestyle we all need as parents. I share with you my journey of how I was able to sell services online to reach 5-figure months. If you’re a mum and want to start an online consulting, coaching or service-based business, then listen up. It’s not all about strategy, it’s mindset, being a SOUL parent and living with integrity, purpose and passion.

Let’s Talk About Preparing to Launch a New Offer in 2023

Hello, welcome to the powerful mothers’ podcast. You’re in the right place if you want freedom, fun, and financial independence online. My name is Katie Joy, and I will share digital careers, businesses, and ways to make money online with you so you can have that flexibility we all appreciate as mothers. 

How and What to Prepare When Launching in 2023

Let’s jump into the show. Hello, how are you today? We’re going to talk about launching in 2023. How can you rejuvenate? How can you mix up? How can you power punch and prepare now for 2023? If you’re new and haven’t met me before, hello, my name is Katie joy- I’m an extrovert, and I love people. I love helping women in their online businesses by crafting great packaging offers, funnels, automation, and marketing, and presenting as a professional brand to make your life easier since you have the infrastructure, digital real estate, and ecosystem.

With your short-term plan, like it might be your social media posts, core content, or long-term strategy that will build up your brand, SEO, reach, and all that sort of thing. So today, we’re talking about how you can prep up when everyone else is packing their bags and getting ready for Christmas. You’ll be prepping and getting yourself ready to smash out in 2023. Depending on your stage, we’ll discuss the best way to do that. So let’s say you’re just getting started, or you’ve had a crap year, and you want to change things up, and you’re like, Nah, I’m done with playing small and done with fucking hiding, done with the results that I got, but deep inside, you also keep telling yourself that I’m going to change it, and I’m going to invest. 

Say it with me… “I’m destined to make a massive difference! In 2023 I’m going to come out in leaps and bounds, right out of the gate.”

How do you look back to your basic things and ideas?

So let’s have a look. It’s going to be nothing new. I’m not, and I don’t have a magic pill. It’s what virtually every marketer says, but I’m going to say in my way, I’m not making anything crazy, but you’re going to look back to basics, back to the foundations, your message, offers, sales, and marketing. Let’s dig it down a bit when we come into your message because we’re talking about launching and changing things.

Are you starting again with that absolute clarity around the problem you’re solving? Is it aligned with what your heart desires? Do you feel LIT UP and excited AF?

What are the remarkable benefits of working with an unpopular digital coach?

There are all levers these people have been doing for ten years and are unique, I’m just starting, or this is the first time I’ve done this. It’s a new alpha, and you can leave that way because I don’t actively invest in the big famous people right now. I’m investing in people who are a couple of steps in front of me or who have something that I don’t have like I might have my funnels and automation down. I want to work more on keeping my energy, mindset, and vibe high. So I’ll invest in someone who is in has that, right? 

So you want someone to have something a few steps ahead of you because I know when you invest in people who are a few steps forward, you’ll get more attention, commitment, personalization, accountability, and support than when you invest in those extensive programs. 

The difference between famous and unpopular coaches is that investing with the most followed coaches is like having many systems, templates, and scripts. However, supporting unpopular coaches, you might meet with them once a week or as buddy partners; they treat your business like their business, your business like their success, and they want to build up their success stories like testimonials. They’re vested in your success more than you’ll get in those gurus programs.


There are a lot of pros to investing in someone who has just mastered something you want. Knowing the problem you solve, especially when the audience goes off on a little bit of attention, we need to go back to that offer, and conveying that offer’s value is vital, and it’s part of learning how and getting yourself.

What is a framework, and what are the keys to getting sales?

You need a piece of paper and write what you need, like a framework. Keep glancing at it until you get into that habit of starting with a hook, like talking about the struggle people are in, moving into maybe a personal story and how you overcame it and moving into what life will be like and why this solution will help, and having a call to action. It’s a framework of how you speak; some people do it naturally because they’ve gotten into the framework.

However, suppose you’re starting to get on video or starting to convey you talk about your message. In that case, you’re like, hi, yeah, well, nice to meet you here. I’m going to teach you about gardening, like, oh, yeah, you know gardening, you need this and that, the soil, and then you go like a how-to tutorial. So that’s not going to get you that sales. You’re over-delivering on expertise. 

If you are doing it strategically and learning to sort the framework, let’s say it was gardening, and you might come in and say, don’t you hate it when your plants always die? By the way, I will not hate it when your plants are always dying. I know you invest in plants and landscape them, and then no matter how much you water or forget to water them, they die. It’s a waste. Then you’re looking at this big garden, making you feel bad. If only it could just water itself. That’s why you created a self-watering system and endorsed it like hey, I started this self-watering system that you can just put in once, and it’s effortless and functional and has a timer. Then all your plants are watered from having a terrible garden to having an amazing one.

So you’ve gone through that whole process. 

For example, you’re selling the self-water feature, but rather than going in and saying, 

“This is how I keep my plants alive by putting the water filter and sticking it in, and this is why the plant needs water. This plant is this much water, in this plant doesn’t need this much water.” 

You got to change the things you know that are not going to make the sale, so it’s getting into frameworks and learning those things and conveying the value, and it’s getting. In contrast, it only adds so much more, but you’ve got to get used to how you will speak about the value of a group program instead of one-on-one. 

How are you going to be like, 

“Oh, these people are amazing. They get in, understand people going through the same thing, and share how to overcome them. It’s like you’re not alone.” 

You benefit from everyone’s stories because someone else is succeeding near. It inspires you to say when you hear their story that they were able to say even without drinking alcohol or even at a party when usually they would have had to drink with pressure from the boss. They said no. Instead, they got the zero alcohol thing from BW’s, an alcohol place in Australia. 


Now I’m in a similar situation, and their story inspires me. So I’m going to follow their steps and what was that drink they got? Okay, I’ll get this. And I’ll stand there. And, you know, let you get inspired by everyone else in the group. It just adds so much depth and so much vortex, and so much energy. So that’s conveying the value side. 

So then we’ve got the message, the offer, and then it’s your marketing. So how are you going to market this new offering? 20 for anything because we’re going for it, we’re going. It’s connecting with a person, drawing attention, and deciding what vehicle to take since there are many ways out.

Where to know other business professionals, and how to communicate with them?

Suppose you’re working with other business professionals. In that case, you may prefer to go on LinkedIn and do a LinkedIn strategy where you connect with people through engaging conversations. You’re engaging in their content, building genuine valuable relationships. Not initially with that intention to sell, but you’re making in your connections and relationships. There’s a beautiful way to speak about if they need what you want. 

The right doesn’t have to be like, Hey, I got the sales things like, hey, you know, this is what I do. Is it something that interests you, or is it when I help people with this problem? Is this something you have? Or do you know anyone who hasn’t been able to assist? 

Your strategy can also be hosting challenges, sprints, live events, calling people into a value or first live event, and focusing on getting in front of other people’s audiences—looking at it now, getting those for yourself, like every week. 


So depending on where we’re at and what it is, you need to think.

What strategy going for here? How will I understand the difference between creating that core content yourself, podcasts, YouTube videos, and blogging? How to get in front of other people’s content which is better at the start because you’re able to initiate sales faster since it just takes time to build up your assets? So that’s the marketing side, then, you’ve got to have the sales side. So what is that process looking like? You even need a payment gateway if we’re getting back to super basics, like a checkout process. I know some people are even still given giving their account details and getting people to transfer money in there. But do you have that sales process in place?:

  • What does it look like? 
  • What information do people need? 
  • How do you even set people up for sale?
  • Depending on what you’re selling? Do you give them some videos and some content?
  • Do they need to watch something and see if that’s for them? And then they can apply for a call with you? 
  • Or what does that look like in that process? Specifically for you and what you’re doing?

And then, for example, you’ve got your delivery for this new offer,

  • How are you going to deliver it? 
  • Is it our service? 
  • Do you have contractors? 
  • How do you engage with the contractors? 
  • How do you track it? 
  • Is it your services? Or do you want to scale more? 
  • Is it a kind of program? 
  • Do you need a membership site or some type of delivery of content site? 
  • Do you need a process automated so people can quickly go through like an application, schedule a call, or make a payment? Then they get instant access to that resource to either schedule a game with you, access resources, go through the content, or fill out information or forms needed for you to do that particular service. 

So you know, setting up that digital infrastructure side.

So that’s it. We went through messaging, offer marketing, and sales, all in a little bit of depth of more depth. And if that’s something you want to get started for 2023, definitely reach out because we are creating this fantastic offer, where you can go throughout a three to six-month period, depending on how you want to take it. We can craft your proposal together, set up all the required digital infrastructure, and give you everything. We hope you go through that, launch it and go through that process of making initial sales and getting everything streamlined. 

If that’s an interesting discussion, chat now at with a message that says, “Primed to sell for 2023.” So we know it’s because you read this blog here, and we would love to chat with you and see if that’s a suitable theme and see what you’re exactly looking for.  

Have a fantastic day, and I can’t wait to speak with you again. Come over and visit, and I’ve got a bunch of links that you can follow me wherever you want. Jump into the group, jump around and grab some freebies. 

Have a great one. Bye for now. Thank you so much for being here and reading this blog. We’re here to help you grow a great online business and work from anywhere in time. We can’t wait to see you in the next blog.




  • Stop losing hope for the year 2023.
  • It’s alright to start again and go back to basic things.

Recap & Takeaways

    • A framework is essential, especially when you know the keys to getting sales.
    • It is much better to invest in an unpopular coach for your business.
    • Marketing your offer to your target clients.
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Katie Joy xx

Katie Joy xx

Digital Marketing Strategist and Empowerment Coach

Need help crafting your signature high ticket offer to make more money with fewer sales and leverage automation to win back time? Let’s chat!

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