Travel Versus Romance: Why You’re Failing to Manifest. A Step-by-step Guide

🌟✨ Let’s talk about the incredible power of manifesting.

Manifesting is not just about wishing upon a star or daydreaming. It’s about creating a crystal-clear vision of what you want in your life and taking inspired action to bring it into reality.

I’ll tell you something – I am really good at manifesting TRAVEL!!!

However I am not so good at manifesting other areas of my life.

For example, I have manifested a round the world trip with my kids, whereas I can’t even seem to manifest even a date on bumble….


This is my theory.

I whole heartedly BELIEVE with every cell of my body that no matter what, I can travel.

I have proven it over and over again in my life. From poor uni student, to single mum with 2 kids under 5 and no job …(this is when I first started online and we lived in Bali for 2 years).

However, with relationships, that’s a whole different story.

Now I’ll break the art of manifesting down into steps and lets see how my travel versus bumble date stacks up!

💡 Manifesting starts with the desire then having crystal clear clarity. When you know exactly what you desire, the universe conspires to make it happen. It’s about setting your intentions, believing in your dreams, and taking the necessary steps toward them.

(OK, so with travel, yes this is true. I am always very clear about that. I go in and get brochures from travel agents, read them on the loo, research on the internet. TICK!. Now relationships. hmmmm no, I can’t say this is true. Firstly I have no idea what it would look like and it just dosen’t light me up as much daydreaming about My Prince as it does roaming the streets of Tallin in Estonia. So I would say FAIL)

💖 Then is about embodiment! Thinking, feeling, acting and swimming in the joy as if it’s already happened.

(So with Travel, heck yeah! I am the discovery channel lady traveling around with her camera, I can literally taste the Italian pizza as we speak! so I would say TICK!. Now for relationships… oh to be brutally honest I can’t even imagine this. Let alone swimming in the joy. Hmm ok so for this point I would say FAIL!)

This leads onto…

Aligned action. Your mindset drives your actions and then you take aligned actions that help the desire materialise!

(so for travel, YES YES YES! I have been researching, chatting, and getting into energetic alignment for staying in CASTLE for FREE! There was nothing available and waaaa laaaa! 3 night FREE stay in a castle thanks for a online platform! Now for relationships….I barely even open the Bumble APP…so again for this one FAIL!)

Then finally its about RECEIVING! This is often overlooked but so so so important! Lots of people get blocked here. It’s allowing and opening up to receive the signs as they unfold without falling into self sabotage.

(So for my travel example…hec yeah! I am overjoyed to receive a free castle stay. I have no inner blocks, no feeling of unworthiness, nothing creating a barrier…I am Australian…everyone loves an Australian overseas (well except maybe in Kuta, Bali). So for receiving this also gets a TICK! Now for relationships again… the thought of receiving makes me shudder in fear. I don’t want to risk the pain that happens when they don’t work out. Nope, no receiving here…so this gets ALSO another FAIL!)

Now, now, now. I hope this has given you some insight into looking deep within. To be honest with yourself.

Go through the key elements to manifesting and see how you relate too.

If you seriously want to manifest something. Work on those elements.

Be honest and true to yourself.

I hope you enjoyed the examples above ;-D

Yours in trust,


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Katie Joy xx
Katie Joy xx

Digital Marketing Strategist and Empowerment Coach

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