So you’ve started coaching online and are like, ‘what the’? Your head is spinning on how to find clients.

Well, I have some good news for you! Your coaching business can grow rapidly with the right marketing strategy and by making consistent captivating aka ‘irresistible’ offers.

In this article, we will discuss some tips for creating offers that will help you attract more clients and grow your coaching business.

How to create irresistible offers:

1. Make sure your offers are relevant to your target audience.

If you are coaching people who want to make more money, then your offers should focus on financial advice and products. If you are coaching people who want to lose weight, then your offers should focus on diet and exercise tips.

2. Make sure your offers are value-packed!

You want to really hone in on the outcomes and solutions that you provide. Speak into the problem so the reader/viewer (if doing videos) feels that you really understand them and that you have the solution they’re looking for.

If you want your clients to keep coming back, then make sure your offers are interesting and that you deliver. This means that you should include your best testimonials. If you’re starting out, that’s ok. Just use 1 or 2 from people you have helped but make sure you include gathering testimonials in the future. This is vital!

3. Make sure your offers are easy to understand and to the point.

Add dollar values to what you include but make sure you add the total VALUE to the client, not the value as a singularity….more on this in PRICING. It’s a tough one to get right.

Your clients should be able to understand what you are offering them without you having to explain it too much and understand the value so it logically makes sense to them.

4. Use social media to get your message out to a wider audience.

This is key! You want people to know that you’re out there and that you’re available to help them with their coaching needs. Make sure you have a strong social media presence and be sure to share your offers on different platforms.

Make sure you are using appropriate tools and technology to help you reach your clients and keep them engaged. This includes things like video, podcasts, and even live events. Choose the ones that you align with and the feels good to you. Also note that video marking is pretty much essential in this day and age. We always want to know what the person’s personality is like, especially if we are to engage in coaching!

5. Make sure your website / social media profiles are up to date with your message and clearly state who you are, and what you do.


woman browsing on her laptop

Irresistible offers to attract new clients could include:

Offering a free consultation to new clients, this is often called a discovery call, soul chat, heart-to-heart, clarity call, strategy call, roadmap. It’s important NOT to coach on this free call but to hold space, LISTEN deeply and ask strategic questions. You want to guide the conversation naturally into asking for permission to share your offer (if appropriate).

-Offering a specific package of services or outcome for a specific niche

-Offering time-sensitive BONUSES to help to new clients achieve what they want faster and easier

-Offering a free trial of services to new clients

-Running a giveaway for new clients

-Running a contest for new clients


Examples of offers to build trust

Offers can be anything from free resources to coaching sessions. Some great examples of irresistible offers include:

1. Free e-book

This is a great offer if you have a new product or service to offer. Give away a copy of your ebook for free to anyone who signs up for your email list.

2. Free consultation

Offer a free consultation to anyone who signs up for your email list. During the consultation, you can ask them any questions about your product or service.

3. Free trial

Offer a free trial of your product or service to anyone who signs up for your email list. During the trial, you can offer unlimited use of your product or service for a set period of time.


Where to promote your offers

-Posting about your services on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

-Email marketing

-Banner advertising

– Live events

-Paid Advertising

-Other people’s Facebook groups (when permitted)

-Podcasts are great to promote your opt-in or freebie

man standing in front of group of men


Don’t Forget About Word-of-Mouth!

Word of mouth or referral marketing as it’s also called is one of the most effective ways to grow your coaching business!

Here are some tips for referrals:

-Create a Referral Program

-Make it Easy for Referrers to Refer

-Offer Referral Rewards

-Encourage Referrals from Current Clients

-Make it Clear How Referrals Will Benefit You


people sitting in front of computer monitors


Creating irresistible offers is a great way to attract more clients and grow your coaching business. Use the tips in this article to create offers that will stand out and draw in the people who really need you.

You have a talent and gift and now it’s time to stop being the best-kept secret and get out there and shine!


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