How To Craft Your Coaching Offer

Welcome to the Powerful Mothers’ Podcast & blog! If you want freedom, fun and financial independence online, then you’re in the right place. I’m Katie Joy and I’ll share with you how mothers are leveraging the digital revolution to make money online and keep the flexible lifestyle we all need as parents. I share with you my journey of how I was able to sell services online to reach 5-figure months. If you’re a mum and want to start an online consulting, coaching or service-based business, then listen up. It’s not all about strategy, it’s mindset, being a SOUL parent and living with integrity, purpose and passion.

This Episode Is All About How To Craft Your Coaching Offer

Hi gorgeous soul, in this episode, we’ll be talking about crafting your coaching, and we’ll go into a few key points that are essential when preparing your coaching offer if you have a coaching or mentoring-type business. 

First Things First, Congratulations On Deciding To Move Away From An Hourly Rate & Into A Package Offer! Woop Woop!

The biggest thing I suggest is removing or moving away from the hourly rate and moving into a packaged offer for a set period because, ultimately, we are selling the transformation, not our time.

So, for example, there are two brain surgeons; the first is an expert, and he has done surgeries for 1000s of times before, and he only took an hour to do surgery,

While the second doctor is new, more cautious, and careful, and double-checks everything in the surgery’s last five hours.

So which one is better?

Like, should the one that’s taking longer because it’s more time and feels like more value cost more or the faster one that’s reliable in the industry?
Or we both get the result but at the same price.

Anyway, the point is that we’re not charging for that time. We’re charging for the quality work, like, if you’re going in for the brain surgery, they’re saying, okay, you know, “this is going to cost you, $10,000”, although it’s more like $50,000 they’re not going to say “Oh, this surgery is faster.” So it’s, you know, less, it’s going to be $20,000, or you can go with the amateur, it’s going to cost a bit more time, so, it’ll be $100,000. Do you see where I’m going with this?

You can remove that whole idea of working for the primary type of concept, which is to get paid per hour and scrap it entirely.

And I know some people teach pricing, and they teach about adding up your hours and dividing and all this sort of thing which I get to some extent, just as long as your hourly rate is accurate. You don’t want to be putting in $100 an hour or something like that.

How To Make My Coaching Offer Stand Out From The Rest?

You need to look at that result that you promise, and how long does it take to get to that result in your coaching package? Is it a 30-day sprint? Is it 90 days, four weeks, and then 60 days from Part B, for a different link support level? What does it look like to stand out from the rest?

I suggest sitting down with a candle and a cup of tea and thinking about it. I would say a glass of wine, but it could work for you or you could get just a bit foggy and not get this job done.

Really what does this person need? Put yourself in that ideal client’s perspective and think, what do they need?

I had fallen into a trap and thought, “I have this bonus,” “I have this,” “I’ve already done this,” or ” I’m gonna throw this in as a bonus.”

But if it doesn’t match, if it’s not needed.
If it’s not aligned, don’t put it in.
Or tailor it, so it does match.

Don’t approach packaging together your coaching offer in the sense of this is what I have, this is what I can do, this is what I’m pushing out there. Put it in perspective, what is the mental state that they’re in? 

What are their needs?
Like, what do they need?
How was their mindset?
Where is their pain?
What will help them move to the next step?

You’ll find that you’ll craft an entirely different offer if you come in from it.

How To Sell My Offer To My Audience? But What If I Have No Followers?

If you have no followers, instead of asking, how can I sell it to an audience? Ask yourself first, how can I sell this to one person?

Go back and think, what does this type of person need and then fold it around and craft it around them.

So when you’re preparing your beautiful offer, think about that promise.

  • What are your outcomes, your goal, and your processes?
  • Where are you putting it together?
  • What’s in that package?
  • How long will it take?
  • How many sessions do they get for group or one-on-one?
  • What is the format of online and offline events?

How To Price My Coaching Offer?

We want to look at that price, which also works with positioning. So how much is it? What is the investment? What is that transformation worth to someone?

It’s not sustainable if your price is too low. And if you’re working one-on-one with clients, remember that method is not scalable.
So when you’re looking at pricing, it is much higher for one-to-one than group, because the group type of teaching is when you’re guiding, and using the one-to-many approaches. That’s scalable, whereas if you’ve got one-on-one, that is not scalable.

Ready To Craft Your Offer? How To Get Support:

So I hope that’s helped you today with some crafting that coaching offers. If you would like more help, make sure you reach out and book a Clarity Call at, and we can look at your current offers.

Or you can get started using the FREE downloadable Signature Offer Blueprint and training.

Anyway, I’d love to hear you say hello and have a beautiful day. I’ll see you in the next episode, where we’ll talk about choosing your entry point or aligned marketing strategy so that you can help get people in your door.

Thank you so much for being here!



  • Normalizing to move away from an hourly rate to a package offer
  • Standout from the rest


Recap & Takeaways

    • Tips on how to price your coaching offer
    • The importance of gaining experience and giving a quality service to your client
    •  Start to strategize today, even with little to no followers.
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Katie Joy xx

Katie Joy xx

Digital Marketing Strategist and Empowerment Coach

Need help crafting your signature high ticket offer to make more money with fewer sales and leverage automation to win back time? Let’s chat!


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