Find your flow and Step out of Overwhelm!

FREE TRAINING: If you’ve been feeling super overwhelmed and in hustle mode, you need to listen to this call with Nicky Farrar, Intuitive Healer and Mentor, to find your flow and step out of overwhelm!

This is especially for you if…

    • You’re constantly tired and stressed
    • Frustrated at the pace of life, lack of time and resources
    • You feel that doing more and more leads to more frustration and general feelings of being pissed off! uuuug
    • Deep down you know that more hustle and doing more is not the answer.You’re ready to:
      • Find your personal balance
      • Be the master of your own destiny and the creator of your experience
      • Create your life and business from a space of centredness that ripples out into your family, relationships and your business /work environment.
      • Get a new perspective, fresh inspiration and vitality!
      • Watch the replay so you’re equipped with the tools required to step out of overwhelm and direct into YOUR flow!


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How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed & Anxious for Female Entrepreneurs

Good morning. I hope you’re having a wonderful morning. Today. We are going live in this scale-up club this morning with a wonderful Nikki she’s about to come on stage.

So if you are feeling overwhelmed and you’re wanting to get into flow and step out of overwhelm, please please listen on and if you’d like to ask questions, jump on over to the group SCALEUP CLUB. You’ll be redirected if you go to

My name is Katie JOY and I help the female coaches and consultants online with getting confident on camera, packaging together fantastic offers and then scaling through automation. And we’re here to support women in this online journey.

And that is what the beautiful Niki is here today.

Nikki is an intuitive healer and energy worker. She helps activate women step out of overwhelm, embrace change and start their own healing journey.

And we have a funny little story about this morning when it was extremely overwhelming just before 9am with all this crazy stuff that was happening. So if you’re feeling kind of tired and stressed all the time, feel frustrated at the pace of life, lacking time like in resources, you might find when you’re doing more and more and more it’s leading to that frustration. And just feeling super annoyed.

More hustle or more pushing is not necessarily the answer. That’s what bringing Nikki in here today.

She’ll help you find your personal balance because we’ll have that different state of balance.

We have a big call which is never feel overwhelmed again. And this is because it’s a choice.

We’re going to get into that and also to create your life and business from that space of groundedness. And that space of sensitiveness and then it will ripple out into your family to your relationships, your business work home personal life environment, and just give you that new inspiration and vitality.


So now we’re going to introduce the expert beautiful Nicky to the stage who is going to come and help us never feel overwhelmed again and step out of it and step into that flow state that we’d love that carries on to all their life.

Could you start by telling us a little bit about your background and what got you into this?

So maybe about 20 years ago, I worked in a gym, and in the fitness industry, I taught nutrition and exercise classes. So it was it’s always been an area of interest for me personally. Then, things shifted a little bit and I actually experienced quite a few health issues myself. And I sort of stepped into that cycle where it’s like do more and try and get more done. For a number of years. I was a single parent so it was like Go Go Go and yeah, my personal health journey has really been the main instigator. It’s navigated my path for the last decade.

What have you learned?  If someone right now is not feeling okay when you’re in that like fight or flight panic state? What tools would you recommend?

There are a lot of tools out there and there’s a lot of ways that we maintain our personal balance and, and put support in place for us in our day-to-day life. So, of course, long term, the structure needs to be there, but in the very present moment. When you’re in it. It’s really a matter of making that choice to come back to the present moment, and take some breath and just really be in your body.

Because our mind will tell us all sorts of stories about you know, how the world’s going to end if we run a bit later or the kids are going to miss the boss or whatever. My biggest tool is actually bringing it back to the moment and taking the breaths and just really giving myself a second when the whole world is telling me I don’t have that second.

What do you mean by that? Exactly. Can you give us an example? Can you take us through breathwork? 

I’m not a breathwork specialist or anything. It’s not my area of expertise, but from my experience over the years, when we’re in that state, we either shallow breathe or we hold our breath.

So the easiest way on every level for the body is to come back and just do three full breaths and then usually feels like breathing into that the bottom of our belly and breathing much more slowly. So just by recognizing it in that second pausing, big belly breath by three, and not actually on a physical level, sends the message to your nervous system to actually begin coming down. So it’s really really, really simple. But it’s really beautiful.

So to find the flow, what do you recommend for that? I’m sure everyone has a huge to-do list and it’s always like more and more if you’re in business, so what do you recommend?

That hustle culture as to use for your word is really very masculine. And there’s a whole other component to us as women. That is not kind really taught to us as teenagers or young women, and especially in the business world.

Just step out of that sort of masculine and really explore your feminine and your own personal energy and your intuition and what kind of feels right for you.

Ah, so okay, so what I’m taking from that is, just say you’re doing something like posting on social media, and then you see a Facebook ad and you’ve gone down the rabbit hole and you’re suddenly on their email list, webinar or whatever is happening. 

What I’m hearing from you is, take a step back, listen deep inside to your intuition, and think is this really the best way forward?

And even if a lot of people are saying, “You need to be doing this, you need to be doing that”, ask yourself is that really going to nourish you?

Is it the best use of your time for yourself and everyone that you’re serving? Maybe after looking inside and connecting to your intuition, maybe it means doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing? 

You’ve nailed that! It really is about checking in with ourselves because there is no one size fits all. We all have very individual experiences and we also have very individual paths to walk here on Earth. So we all think we have to try and fit in and that’s not always true for us.

Do you feel that when you’re taking the actions from a grounded state of intention and purpose that that’s like almost like fewer actions and almost like the universe is aligning, so they work out for your goal with less effort?

Absolutely, it really is a game-changer. You can use your mind to get one set of instructions are your next best step and then you can use your intuition and it will be a completely different answer.

And so then you’re going with your intuition is that right?

Working from a very internal, intuitive, aligned, focused state.

Do you think there’s an element of faith in there as well?

Definitely stepping into that faith and trust trusting yourself and trusting being of service to your clients.

What would you say to someone who was a little bit skeptical, like oh, I can’t really trust myself or I don’t know how to do things. Or I’m very logical and practical. I’m following these steps. What would you say to someone like that?

There is an element to having the structure in place and following the steps, knowing the tech and things like that in business. Most of that comes from us wanting to feel safe. And kind of our need to know. So when we can actually balance both sides of ourselves and we are in that space of balance. We would choose different steps. We make completely different choices and our business shifts out of that hustle energy, like I have to like we put so much pressure on ourselves to do do do, but when you bring it back and you internalize that, you’re actually able to see a bigger perspective. And then you make different choices.

So that little thing that you think is super important isn’t maybe isn’t that super.

My best advice is always to go back to yourself and your feeling of truth and what is true for you.

What are some daily routines and rituals that people can do to start to get in a centered state throughout the day?

Most people in my experience, don’t have a daily practice. Most busy moms that are juggling and having they’ve got the company and they’ve got the kids and they run the house and then doing all the things they don’t actually have that deep self-care practice.

My biggest tip would be NOT to start the day with an alarm to actually set that alarm a little bit earlier and start the day with some quiet time to yourself.

When you say “start the day with quiet time”, how long? Should we journal? But for people who are new to this when they say journaling, it’s a blank paper and can be scary..

There is so much resistance to journaling. But it’s such it is an amazing tool, but it’s all in your own time, and you’re starting at the very beginning.

I’ve got friends that do just light a candle and gaze into the candle in the morning and sit there quietly. I always had quite a busy mind. So for me it was more about guided meditation, or guided practices to really keep that monkey brain under control. And it can be as simple as a 15 minute breathwork you know, or 15 minute yoga video on YouTube. It doesn’t have to be super elaborate. And the timeframe really depends on how much time. So if you’re already having 12 plus hour days and you’re already getting out but you know five or six in the morning, you may not want to get up a whole nother hour earlier.

But you may find that just 15 or 20 minutes before those kids wake up or before you start your actual work day. Just allocating that small block of time to yourself really does make a difference in how you show up for the rest of your day.

In a perfect world we’d have an hour. There is this real hustle, culture and you don’t feel like you have an hour. Most people are happy to allocate themselves 15 minutes and so you can still make change in 15 minutes a day, just by allocating that to yourself.


I would love to have an hour to just sit on my balcony with the coffee and breathe. So it does it could it just be even like breathing the air? Does it have to be super focused or can it just be like getting yourself into the present moment?

You can just grab your cuppa and walk outside on the grass. Look at the sky. Look at a tree like it really is really individual but then the power is in allocating that time for yourself. Because we we tend to go into the space of thinking that by doing more we’re going to catch up.

How many times have you been in a rush and then all of a sudden the email that you’re writing vanishes because the computer didn’t save or you take your kids to school in a panic rush and then they forget something because you weren’t centered.

Then you waste another 20 minutes going back because you weren’t coming from a place of groundedness. I’m sure everyone has THAT story.

When those things start to happen, that’s that’s your sign. That’s your indicator that you like things up flowing. So you take that moment and it may not be 15 minutes it may be just five minutes, running off to the loo at work and just taking a couple of readings that then affects everything moving forward.

Ah, so when that does happen then that’s a sign from the universe saying hold it. Like this is a warning sign like it’s your tumbling out of alignment. So let’s regroup.

And what do you have to say about overwhelm being a choice?

I’ve met a lot of people that I know well, and they actually live a fairly happy non overwhelmed life like it is a choice and they might have it naturally and other people are constantly in fight or flight or anxiety and overwhelm and stress, no matter what they’re doing. Even if to someone else, it might seem like their life isn’t that complicated.

But then even small things turn into big overwhelming stressful things. You know, and so like, what’s that different? Mindset between someone who’s everything even tiny becomes dramatic, and then someone who something dramatic is always just calm and tiny. So how are they thinking about life differently?

So it is very much different for most folks, different strokes like we’re all very individual, but the people that are more predisposed to anxiety to stress. Generally, and I’m speaking very generally, the nervous system is activated and it’s not come down to rest and relax the way it should be. And that then affects that of the of their reality around them of the circumstances of their day.

Because it is very interesting to people can have the exact same experience and have two completely different reactions to that same experience. So yeah, it really is about that self exploration and really getting to know dolphin and bit knowing that you are in that balanced state or maybe knowing that you’re not in that statement, how can I support my nervous system? How can I support my body to really be in the state that it needs to be in and that and that’s for me? Why I suggest the guided meditations or theta music or anything because I was coming from that state of of hyper nervous system. So it for me it was accelerated and I needed that. I needed those tools to bring the nervous system down.

Could then it be chamomile tea or different smells that can ground people.

So be just being aware that I’m in a nervous state, like an overactive state. What can I do right now? That will bring me back down and having that level of awareness? 

As time goes on, you do kind of find out what works for you. And some people that might be an essential oil roller, others that might be just five minutes in a room alone. There really is no hard and fast rule even walking outside and looking at the sky. And they’re just basic mindfulness tools. But they work and it’s just a matter of finding the tools that you like to use for yourself personally on a daily basis and then using guys.

What do you think about distractions when you’re in that state, like distracting with something on Netflix?

Can watching Netflix bring your nervous system down and be beneficial?

If you want to watch a series on Netflix to have that downtime, there are no rules, but allocate yourself that time if that becomes part of your self-care routine.

Give yourself permission and watch something fun or light. If you’re jumping on there and watching Vikings or something that’s NOT nurturing to the nervous system.

Yeah, so be mindful of what you’re watching, no terminator!

Be mindful of what you’re actually choosing to watch so that it does bring your nervous system down. Make sure that you’re not overindulging like going too much or too long and just total distraction.

How do you support women in your current business overall? Do you do group coaching or one on ones or how does that work?

I facilitate women’s circles, predominantly online circles, but moving into the space of more in person circles this year. And that there’s there’s something about being held in that circle and just a group of women showing up and it’s really hard to put into words. It kind of is a felt experience. You have to really be part of it to realise how profound it can be for yourself.

How do you run your circles if someone was interested in joining one like what can they expect to they need their camera on and audio on? And how does it work and how do you have people you know, show up and interact or whatever? 

The Zoom circles,  the camera is optional. There’s really no hard and fast rules, but I intuitively am guided to the subject of circle and moving into the end of this year, I’ll be looking at hosting, maybe a four week circle. And so we actually journey together on we move through things and by the end of the four weeks, you’ve actually picked up that the tools and you have that higher awareness of what you need for yourself moving forward.


What we’re actually speaking about now is that there’s femininity in business.

I don’t remember it at all being around in 2015 or 2016. The online digital course world was so masculine and almost like trying to trick people into buying stuff with the funnels and all that sort of thing. It was very pushing, over-promising, glorified stuff, that was especially for Aussies, that doesn’t work for us.

That’s where real people resonate with us. And there has been a real really noticeable shift, especially in the last couple of years.

People are wanting connection more and are they wanting real.

They’re not buying the fanciest funnel, buying the shiny, just airbrushed photograph. You know, they’re, they’re really connecting with people on a much deeper level. And that’s that’s how you find your tribe. That’s how you find your people that you can help most and the people that I guess, can support you as well.

That’s why I love working with video as well because I just, I just love the power of video how you can connect with people. You can feel that vibe. You can see them for who they are. You can’t really fake it.

You just aren’t who you are and I just love that because there’s so many avenues for people to connect the world is huge. And different people connect with different people, even if then their message is similar, often the same market or the same niche. They just resonate more with someone else’s style, a way of teaching impacts them so that’s why I love video too.

Well, thank you so much Nicky Farrar, thank you for being here and sharing this with us. It’s been an absolute pleasure. And I’m sure everyone who’s reading this will get a lot from that.

So thank you from me and everyone.

Yeah, you have a lovely day and thanks for joining us.

Thanks so much, Katie. You too.


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