Organic Marketing Strategies in 2022 for Coaches and Consultants

Hello, how are you? Welcome to the powerful mothers’ podcast. This episode will look at organic marketing strategies, especially for coaches, consultants, and educators, and what’s working currently as of August 2022.

Suppose you’re new to finding leads and making sales online. Today is a fantastic episode for you. And it will bring a lot of clarity and how people make these mysterious sales on social media.



Organic Marketing Strategies in 2022 for Coaches and Consultants

Hello, how are you? Welcome to the powerful mothers’ podcast. This episode will look at organic marketing strategies, especially for coaches, consultants, and educators, and what’s working currently as of August 2022.

Suppose you’re new to finding leads and making sales online. Today is a fantastic episode for you. And it will bring a lot of clarity and how people make these mysterious sales on social media. 

Firstly, if you’re new, hello, my name is Katie joy, and I help women craft and sell higher ticket offers so they can make more money with fewer sales. For me, that has been life-changing and has changed my life. Since learning this skill, I’m now able to deliver a high-value, comprehensive service, work with a small number of people and still be able to scale and meet the income goals of raising my kids as a SOULparent for full financial and physical responsibility. So it’s been phenomenal, and I want the same for others. Now let’s get into the podcast episode…

What is Organic Marketing, and What Are Its Benefits For Your Business?

Let’s now move into organic marketing. Take Instagram as an example; on Instagram, we have posts, reels, and stories. In every post, we’re looking to create content that relates to our offers and that is going to entertain, inspire, educate, promote, sell, and inform We can use the technology to ask questions and polls and get that feedback from people. So this is where you can ask certain questions that get people to

 raise their hands as being interested. 

Let’s take weight loss as an example. You can ask Who is struggling to lose weight after

 turning 40. 

And then, if people say yes or no, you can tell who is struggling and who wants to lose weight after 40. If you think about those types of questions you ask and the people who respond with a ‘yes’, it can be from an IG reel post, or in a comment, then that person has ultimately ‘self-selected. 

So we want to look at things to pull people in with our content. We want to pull people in with our stories because that’s how people connect. We want people to self-select and think, ‘this is me!’. We want to be able to screen them and present that offer. 

How to Conduct Idea Screening for Your Business?

What do we mean by screening people? It’s related to dating; for example, you’re in a bar where you see an awesome hot guy.

And he  kind of looks at you and you think ‘gosh, he could be lovely, I’d like to get to know him.’ Then he walks over to you, and you’re like, oh, my heavens, and then he walks up close and sticks his tongue down your throat and pushes you! Not this just destroyed everything. 

Because you’re thinking; ‘gosh, you don’t even know me and I don’t even know you! You don’t even know if he’s married, you don’t even know if he’s single. I might have smiled at you, but you’re reading too much into this. You haven’t asked me anything, and you don’t know anything about him.

That’s the same sort of thing when talking about our products and services on social media. We don’t want to shove the outcome down people’s throats, which is showing up in people’s inboxes or their messages. Yeah, some people out there focus on a  numbers approach, which, yes, in marketing, it’s a numbers game. Definitely. 

But how do you want to play those numbers games? Do you want to play the numbers game and develop a reputation where you’re not leaving good taste in people’s mouths? Or do you want to establish a different reputation where you treat people respectfully? Where we’re looking at pulling people in, having them self-select, have a conversation, and then make the offer if it is a natural progression of the conversation. 

Back to the dating example, when someone comes over, you want them to say, Hey, how are you? What are you doing there? You know, getting to know someone a little bit and the same as when someone has responded to a poll or a question in your stories. You want to say hi, giving you the chance to direct a message or continue a comment conversation. Ideally, you want to get people into your direct messages, allowing you to continue that conversation using voice notes, texting, or whatever. 

If someone is a text person, it’s best to reply in the text. 

If someone is a voice note person, it’s best to respond in voice notes (use the way another person feels comfortable). I like giving voice notes because they get to hear your voice’s sound sometimes text messages are easy to misinterpret.

That’s my opinion. It’s more personal, and you can get a lot more information from the tone of someone’s voice. 

So when you have someone in this direct message, you can have a flow of conversation, and it would be okay.

Why is Authenticity Important in Developing a Successful Marketing and Branding Approach? 

Let’s look at some conversation examples; ‘I noticed you said that you’re having trouble after 40. Do you know why that could be or what you think is stopping you, or what’s holding you back from that? Do you know why? What have you tried before?’ You wouldn’t say that all in one go, but those are the types of questions to be asking.  If someone replies with a lot of information, then we know they have a strong pain point around that topic and are likely to want to know more. 

When some invest that time and energy to have thorough responses, we call them hyper-responsive people; that’s likely to mean that’s significant pain in their life and they are keen to find a solution. If someone’s got one or two-word responses or they don’t reply then they probably don’t have a big enough pain to want to invest in a solution. 

So you look at how they respond and see if it is a match. Like can I help them? Are they a good match for what I have? And if they are, the next step is not to make the offer. It’s to ask for permission first. 

For example; “Hey, I noticed you said you were struggling to lose weight and you’ve tried keto, you’ve tried exercise….. Have you ever tried a combination of mindset in reprogramming the mind, and having those weaknesses which you said that you’re waking up and eating at night? Or you’re eating chocolate when you’re stressed? Have you tried to release those triggers before through hypnosis? 

Answer “No, I haven’t tried hypnosis before”


 “Is that something that you would be interested in exploring?”

 And then it could be a yes or no. And then that’s yes. Then you have permission to pitch.

I had an interesting message the other day. I thought it was awful. I don’t know what you think. But I had a lady write to me and she was a psychic. And she said:

“Hey, I’ve just been called by the Divine to reach out to you because I have an important message from your spirit guides.”

And it was like, “oh, okay, that’s amazing”. And then she’s like, “do you want to know what it is?” So I said, “Yeah” because I thought who would say no, of course, you’re going to say yes. 

And then, she dropped in the link for 150 or 200 US dollars to book a session with her so I could hear this critical message. 

I just thought that was so wrong. It felt like it was jumping too many steps. It didn’t feel authentic. It felt like she was using the same technique with everyone, like dangling this carrot. And I don’t think she had a message from my Spirit Guides which did not feel authentic. 

So although it was very clever because you’re always interested in something you don’t know. What does she know that it is there? It just was not authentic. 

And then she even went back to me and said, ‘but I have this vital message. I believe you need to hear it.’ I didn’t feel right with me, so I trusted my intuition and did NOT book a session.

I hope that gives you an example that it’s got to be authentic.

Mastering The Art Of Organic Marketing

Let’s go back to our organic marketing strategy. So we want to pull people in by understanding the pain that they understand what they’re feeling, understanding that current situation, and knowing where they want to go. 

You must prepare content that allows people to self-select, whether it’s lead magnets, questions, polls, or fill-in-the-blanks. Use questions that can easily interact with and engage your potential clients or audience. It can help with following up directly with them during the screening conversation, seeing where they are. Maybe you’ve got some free content that can help them, and then you’re spreading goodwill worldwide. So the screening and then asking for permission before pitching the offer.

I hope that’s useful for you today. And I would love to hear how you go about implementing it. 

So if you’d love to join the group, it’s the ScaleUp Club  High Ticket Offers & Automation for Female Entrepreneurs and you can find that Linktree via, please come over and join us! We run live training, share our growth, and build our businesses, from the ground up strategically with love, alignment,  and intuition and move forward with that. So love to see you over there. 


Thank you for being here today. And I’ll see you in the next episode.

Lots of Love,



  • Being authentic has a big part of your business. 
  • We want to pull people in by understanding the pain that they understand what they’re feeling, understanding that current situation, and knowing where they want to go. 


Recap & Takeaways

  • There are lots of different ways to do organic marketing, find the way that aligns with where your ideal clients hang out and what matches your personality and lifestyle.
  • Start engaging with people in the same way you would in real life (don’t jump steps and always ask for permission before you pitch).
  • You will know if they are ready to find the solution to what you provide through the conversation you have with them.
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Katie Joy xx
Katie Joy xx

Digital Marketing Strategist and Empowerment Coach

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